Transfer PolicyThe primary work of the Ministerial Committee is to help guide ministers and churches through the process of transferring into the Presbytery of the West. This is a sacred charge as the presbytery depends on the Ministerial Committee to introduce any potential transfers to the life and culture of the presbytery while at the same time conducting a thorough theological examination as well. It is a charge we take seriously and we are grateful for the trust the Presbytery places in us. The process of transfer is different depending on the circumstances of the prospective transfer and is listed below:

Ministers transferring from another EPC presbytery

  • Certificate of dismissal received from the clerk of the dismissing presbytery
  • Personal Statements of Faith, Parts 1 and 2 from the EPC website.
  • Written exceptions to the Westminster Standards and Catechisms
  • Examination before the Ministerial Committee
  • Examination before the Presbytery

Ministers transferring from another Reformed denomination

  • Letter or communication of intention to transfer ordination to the EPC
  • Terms of Call
  • Ministerial Obligation form
  • Credentials of education
  • Credentials of prior/current ordination and letter of good standing from ordaining body
  • Completed EPC Personal Information Form
  • Background and reference check, a statement of health from physician and possible statement of mental health from qualified counselor or physician
  • Personal Statement of Faith, Parts 1 and 2 from the EPC website
  • Written exceptions to the Westminster Standards and Catechisms
  • Participation in the Presbytery of the West’s Discovery Workshop
  • Examination before the Ministerial Committee
  • Examination before the Presbytery

Ministers transferring from a non-Reformed denomination

  • Same process as above with the addition of written EPC ordination exams prior to examination before the Ministerial Committee and Presbytery.